Online Mini-Retreat with Mystics and Saints Artwork
Online Mini-Retreat with Mystics and Saints Artwork
Teresa Blythe, author of Spiritual Direction 101, and myself, Trey Everett, contemplative artist and spiritual director, have created a two-hour online mini-retreat for Saturday June 10 to help you relax into your summer.
Working with our newest set of coloring cards, “Mystic and Saints: The All Stars,” we’ll spend time exploring the three secret teachings of creativity: what it means to live in the present, be kind to ourselves, and move away from “right/wrong” thinking. Time devoted to coloring and creating, which moves us out of our anxious minds and into a deeper place of the heart, will be part of the retreat.
Once you register, we’ll mail you this set of 10 cards with drawings and descriptions of some of your favorite mystics: Hildegard of Bingen, Mechtild of Magdeburg, Rumi, Rabia, Lao Tzu, Julian of Norwich, Meister Eckhart and more. You bring this set of cards along with your favorite pens, markers and other art supplies to your Zoom screen when we meet and we will spend a relaxing two hours (one of which is spent in silence simply coloring or adorning our selected card or cards) enjoying one another and these historical spiritual guides.
To register, go to the online store on this website.
The details:
Who: you, me, Teresa and all who show up!
When: Saturday June 10, 2023 at the following time:
2PM Eastern
1PM Central
12 NOON Mountain
11AM Pacific
Where: Online, via Zoom. We send the link once you register and a reminder the day before.
What you receive: Once registered, you are mailed a set of cards and sent an online PDF guide of suggested ways you can creatively reflect with these cards.
Cost: $30 (which includes a set of cards) if you register by May 31, ($40 after 5/31)